by SHANNON on FEBRUARY 4, 2011 ·
If there is one thing that I recommend buying, despite all of my anti-consumerism rants, it is books. Real, physical, thick, useful, wonderful books. They are still there to help and educate you when the power goes out and you just can’t cozy up with a cup of tea and a good laptop/kindle.
I’ve gotten a few requests for a sustainable/agrarian/homemade/homegrown/real food list of books which I hope to get to next week. I will also be publishing a few recipes and articles that I am behind in sharing. (Read Nourishing Days, a blog by Shannon)
Surviving off off-grid: A Book Everyone Should Read
Today, though, I need to tell you about a book that is coming out very soon. If you’re going to buy a book then buy this one first, and do so on March 4th so that it can gain ranking on Amazon and garner the attention it deserves.
Every. single. person. needs to read this book.
Surviving Off Off-Grid is not a survivalist’s how-to manual, but rather a how-to think manual. Most of us have lived our whole lives in a consumer-based society that is neither sustainable nor Biblical. How we think and the choices we make have not been based in truth, but in what our industrial, money-driven, consumerism-pushing, intellectually-crippling, comfort-worshipping society has taught us.
Mr. Bunker writes in his forward:
This book was designed to be not only a platform for the teaching of Off Off-Grid living philosophy, but to fill a huge gap in both the Survival, and Off-Grid information base. Catering to the back to the land movement; the alternative energy movement; the homesteading movement, and a half a dozen other movements, authors, experts, and scholars have offered up a plethora (or maybe it is a smorgasbord) of books and other materials; some really good, some not so good, but virtually all with a single over-riding philosophy — That independence can be had by half-steps, by learning a few techniques, by the pre-placement or stockpiling of industrially produced goods, and by shifting our dependence from one industrial supplier to another – all without fundamentally changing the foundations of how we think and live.