First Line Therapy

Better Lifestyle, Better Life, Take Back your Health!

What is First Line Therapy? First Line Therapy is a “therapeutic lifestyle program.” Which means that this program will help you live your life in a way that improves your health. A “therapeutic lifestyle” means making choices every day that will enhance your health and help prevent disease, enabling you to achieve a full, healthy life.

First Line Therapy is based on extensive research demonstrating that many of the chronic diseases associated with aging are largely caused by lifestyle choices.

A therapeutic lifestyle program is now recommended as the “firstline therapy” for individuals with many of the conditions listed above as well as those with other health problems such as:

  • Stress related disorders
  • PMS
  • Other hormone related symptoms
  • Fatigue
  • PCOS
  • Menopause
  • Conditions related to overweight/obesity including high blood pressure, Cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol and diabetes.

Learn healthy eating habits, sensible exercises, develop lifestyle changes. You will discover increased energy, clearer thinking, deeper and better sleep and decreased stress. You will also feel an amazing powerhouse of energy within your body that’s just waiting to be released. You will be able to develop a tremendous amount of self-discipline, personal empowerment and how to think for success. Incorporate use of nutritious supplements to enhance program and speed time to achieve your goals.

First Line Therapy is not just a weight loss program

Most programs are focused on weight while FLT is best used as a first line treatment for common, chronic health problems (e.g. high cholesterol, insulin resistance, unhealthy body composition)

The First Line Therapy eating plan is different

Most programs are focuses on low fat diets while the FLT emphasizes the importance of a low-glycemic eating plan that is consistent with current research.

First Line Therapy has been demonstrated to be effective in human clinical studies

Most programs lack clinical evidence of effectiveness.

Getting Started-A Matter of Fat

In order to measure your progress, you first need to know your current health status.  A Variety of health assessments may be performed. Excess body fat can greatly increase your health risks.  But a higher ratio of muscle increases your metabolism and is associated with a lower incidence of illess.  Imporving your muscle-to-fat ratio is perhaps the most powerful tool in controlling the aging process and restoring vitality.  And that’s what First Line Therapy is all about!

Your Personal First Line Therapy Program Offers:

  • Initial and follow-up testing
  • Practitioner consultations
  • Solutions for staying active
  • Simple eating guidelines
  • Progress tracking
  • Lifestyle counseling
  • Nutritional product recommendations

To schedule your First Line Therapy appointment today, contact Kim Martindale at (901) 870-4625 or email